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07 May 2016Compton and Chandlers Ford Second XI v Redlynch and HaleMemorial Playing Fields, Compton DownResults
07 May 2016Hartley Wintney Second XI v SteepThe Cricket Green, Hartley WintneyResults
07 May 2016Hook and Newnham Basics Third XI v OvertonRotherwick Playing Field, RotherwickResults
07 May 2016Hursley Park Second XI v FlamingoThe Quarters, HursleyResults
07 May 2016Littleton and West Hill v Bishop's Waltham Second XILittleton Recreation Ground, LittletonResults
07 May 2016Michelmersh and Timsbury v LissMannyngham Way, TimsburyResults
07 May 2016South Newton v Liphook and Ripsley Second XIVillage Hall Ground, South NewtonResults
07 May 2016South Wilts Third XI v East WoodhaySalisbury and South Wilts Sports Club Number 2 Pitch, SalisburyResults
07 May 2016Steeple Langford v Old Tauntonians and Romsey Third XILangford Recreation Ground, Steeple LangfordResults
14 May 2016Bishop's Waltham Second XI v Compton and Chandlers Ford Second XIAlbany Road, Bishop's WalthamResults
14 May 2016East Woodhay v Hook and Newnham Basics Third XIMalverleys, East WoodhayResults
14 May 2016Hursley Park Second XI v Littleton and West HillThe Quarters, HursleyResults
14 May 2016Liphook and Ripsley Second XI v Michelmersh and TimsburyRipsley Park, LiphookResults
14 May 2016Liss v SteepThe Glebe, West LissResults
14 May 2016Old Tauntonians and Romsey Third XI v Hartley Wintney Second XIEast Tytherley Cricket Club Ground, East TytherleyResults
14 May 2016Overton v South NewtonBerrydown, OvertonResults
14 May 2016Redlynch and Hale v Steeple LangfordRedlynch Playing Field, RedlynchResults
14 May 2016South Wilts Third XI v FlamingoSalisbury and South Wilts Sports Club Number 2 Pitch, SalisburyResults
21 May 2016Compton and Chandlers Ford Second XI v Hursley Park Second XIMemorial Playing Fields, Compton DownResults
21 May 2016Flamingo v Littleton and West HillThe Holt, UphamResults
21 May 2016Hartley Wintney Second XI v Redlynch and HaleThe Cricket Green, Hartley WintneyResults
21 May 2016Hook and Newnham Basics Third XI v South Wilts Third XIRotherwick Playing Field, RotherwickResults
21 May 2016Liss v Old Tauntonians and Romsey Third XIThe Glebe, West LissResults
21 May 2016Michelmersh and Timsbury v OvertonMannyngham Way, TimsburyResults
21 May 2016South Newton v East WoodhayVillage Hall Ground, South NewtonResults
21 May 2016Steep v Liphook and Ripsley Second XIThe Harrow, SteepResults
21 May 2016Steeple Langford v Bishop's Waltham Second XILangford Recreation Ground, Steeple LangfordResults
28 May 2016Bishop's Waltham Second XI v Hartley Wintney Second XIAlbany Road, Bishop's WalthamResults
28 May 2016East Woodhay v Michelmersh and TimsburyMalverleys, East WoodhayResults
28 May 2016Hook and Newnham Basics Third XI v FlamingoRotherwick Playing Field, RotherwickResults
28 May 2016Hursley Park Second XI v Steeple LangfordThe Quarters, HursleyResults
28 May 2016Liphook and Ripsley Second XI v Old Tauntonians and Romsey Third XIRipsley Park, LiphookResults
28 May 2016Littleton and West Hill v Compton and Chandlers Ford Second XILittleton Recreation Ground, LittletonResults
28 May 2016Overton v SteepBerrydown, OvertonResults
28 May 2016Redlynch and Hale v LissRedlynch Playing Field, RedlynchResults
28 May 2016South Wilts Third XI v South NewtonSalisbury and South Wilts Sports Club Number 2 Pitch, SalisburyResults
04 Jun 2016Flamingo v Compton and Chandlers Ford Second XIThe Holt, UphamResults
04 Jun 2016Hartley Wintney Second XI v Hursley Park Second XIThe Cricket Green, Hartley WintneyResults
04 Jun 2016Liphook and Ripsley Second XI v Redlynch and HaleRipsley Park, LiphookResults
04 Jun 2016Liss v Bishop's Waltham Second XIThe Glebe, West LissResults
04 Jun 2016Michelmersh and Timsbury v South Wilts Third XIMannyngham Way, TimsburyResults
04 Jun 2016Old Tauntonians and Romsey Third XI v OvertonEast Tytherley Cricket Club Ground, East TytherleyResults
04 Jun 2016South Newton v Hook and Newnham Basics Third XIVillage Hall Ground, South NewtonResults
04 Jun 2016Steep v East WoodhayThe Harrow, SteepResults
04 Jun 2016Steeple Langford v Littleton and West HillLangford Recreation Ground, Steeple LangfordResults
11 Jun 2016Bishop's Waltham Second XI v Liphook and Ripsley Second XIAlbany Road, Bishop's WalthamResults
11 Jun 2016Compton and Chandlers Ford Second XI v Steeple LangfordMemorial Playing Fields, Compton DownResults
11 Jun 2016East Woodhay v Old Tauntonians and Romsey Third XIMalverleys, East WoodhayResults
11 Jun 2016Hook and Newnham Basics Third XI v Michelmersh and TimsburyRotherwick Playing Field, RotherwickResults
11 Jun 2016Hursley Park Second XI v LissThe Quarters, HursleyResults
11 Jun 2016Littleton and West Hill v Hartley Wintney Second XILittleton Recreation Ground, LittletonResults
11 Jun 2016Overton v Redlynch and HaleBerrydown, OvertonResults
11 Jun 2016South Newton v FlamingoVillage Hall Ground, South NewtonResults
11 Jun 2016South Wilts Third XI v SteepSalisbury and South Wilts Sports Club Number 2 Pitch, SalisburyResults
18 Jun 2016Flamingo v Steeple LangfordThe Holt, UphamResults
18 Jun 2016Hartley Wintney Second XI v Compton and Chandlers Ford Second XIThe Cricket Green, Hartley WintneyResults
18 Jun 2016Liphook and Ripsley Second XI v Hursley Park Second XIRipsley Park, LiphookResults
18 Jun 2016Liss v Littleton and West HillThe Glebe, West LissResults
18 Jun 2016Michelmersh and Timsbury v South NewtonMannyngham Way, TimsburyResults
18 Jun 2016Old Tauntonians and Romsey Third XI v South Wilts Third XIEast Tytherley Cricket Club Ground, East TytherleyResults
18 Jun 2016Overton v Bishop's Waltham Second XIBerrydown, OvertonResults
18 Jun 2016Redlynch and Hale v East WoodhayRedlynch Playing Field, RedlynchResults
18 Jun 2016Steep v Hook and Newnham Basics Third XIThe Harrow, SteepResults
25 Jun 2016Compton and Chandlers Ford Second XI v LissMemorial Playing Fields, Compton DownResults
25 Jun 2016East Woodhay v Bishop's Waltham Second XIMalverleys, East WoodhayResults
25 Jun 2016Hook and Newnham Basics Third XI v Old Tauntonians and Romsey Third XIRotherwick Playing Field, RotherwickResults
25 Jun 2016Hursley Park Second XI v OvertonThe Quarters, HursleyResults
25 Jun 2016Littleton and West Hill v Liphook and Ripsley Second XILittleton Recreation Ground, LittletonResults
25 Jun 2016Michelmersh and Timsbury v FlamingoMannyngham Way, TimsburyResults
25 Jun 2016South Newton v SteepVillage Hall Ground, South NewtonResults
25 Jun 2016South Wilts Third XI v Redlynch and HaleSalisbury and South Wilts Sports Club Number 2 Pitch, SalisburyResults
25 Jun 2016Steeple Langford v Hartley Wintney Second XILangford Recreation Ground, Steeple LangfordResults
02 Jul 2016Bishop's Waltham Second XI v South Wilts Third XIAlbany Road, Bishop's WalthamResults
02 Jul 2016Compton and Chandlers Ford Second XI v Liphook and Ripsley Second XIMemorial Playing Fields, Compton DownResults
02 Jul 2016Hartley Wintney Second XI v FlamingoThe Cricket Green, Hartley WintneyResults
02 Jul 2016Hursley Park Second XI v East WoodhayThe Quarters, HursleyResults
02 Jul 2016Liss v Steeple LangfordThe Glebe, West LissResults
02 Jul 2016Old Tauntonians and Romsey Third XI v South NewtonEast Tytherley Cricket Club Ground, East TytherleyResults
02 Jul 2016Overton v Littleton and West HillBerrydown, OvertonResults
02 Jul 2016Redlynch and Hale v Hook and Newnham Basics Third XIRedlynch Playing Field, RedlynchResults
02 Jul 2016Steep v Michelmersh and TimsburyThe Harrow, SteepResults
09 Jul 2016Bishop's Waltham Second XI v Hook and Newnham Basics Third XIAlbany Road, Bishop's WalthamResults
09 Jul 2016East Woodhay v Littleton and West HillMalverleys, East WoodhayResults
09 Jul 2016Flamingo v SteepThe Holt, UphamResults
09 Jul 2016Liphook and Ripsley Second XI v Steeple LangfordRipsley Park, LiphookResults
09 Jul 2016Liss v Hartley Wintney Second XIThe Glebe, West LissResults
09 Jul 2016Old Tauntonians and Romsey Third XI v Michelmersh and TimsburyEast Tytherley Cricket Club Ground, East TytherleyResults
09 Jul 2016Overton v Compton and Chandlers Ford Second XIBerrydown, OvertonResults
09 Jul 2016Redlynch and Hale v South NewtonRedlynch Playing Field, RedlynchResults
09 Jul 2016South Wilts Third XI v Hursley Park Second XISalisbury and South Wilts Sports Club Number 2 Pitch, SalisburyResults
16 Jul 2016Compton and Chandlers Ford Second XI v East WoodhayMemorial Playing Fields, Compton DownResults
16 Jul 2016Flamingo v LissThe Holt, UphamResults
16 Jul 2016Hartley Wintney Second XI v Liphook and Ripsley Second XIThe Cricket Green, Hartley WintneyResults
16 Jul 2016Hook and Newnham Basics Third XI v Hursley Park Second XIRotherwick Playing Field, RotherwickResults
16 Jul 2016Littleton and West Hill v South Wilts Third XILittleton Recreation Ground, LittletonResults
16 Jul 2016Michelmersh and Timsbury v Redlynch and HaleMannyngham Way, TimsburyResults
16 Jul 2016South Newton v Bishop's Waltham Second XIVillage Hall Ground, South NewtonResults
16 Jul 2016Steep v Old Tauntonians and Romsey Third XIThe Harrow, SteepResults
16 Jul 2016Steeple Langford v OvertonLangford Recreation Ground, Steeple LangfordResults
23 Jul 2016Bishop's Waltham Second XI v Michelmersh and TimsburyAlbany Road, Bishop's WalthamResults
23 Jul 2016East Woodhay v Steeple LangfordMalverleys, East WoodhayResults
23 Jul 2016Hursley Park Second XI v South NewtonThe Quarters, HursleyResults
23 Jul 2016Liphook and Ripsley Second XI v LissRipsley Park, LiphookResults
23 Jul 2016Littleton and West Hill v Hook and Newnham Basics Third XILittleton Recreation Ground, LittletonResults
23 Jul 2016Old Tauntonians and Romsey Third XI v FlamingoEast Tytherley Cricket Club Ground, East TytherleyResults
23 Jul 2016Overton v Hartley Wintney Second XIBerrydown, OvertonResults
23 Jul 2016Redlynch and Hale v SteepRedlynch Playing Field, RedlynchResults
23 Jul 2016South Wilts Third XI v Compton and Chandlers Ford Second XISalisbury and South Wilts Sports Club Number 2 Pitch, SalisburyResults
30 Jul 2016Compton and Chandlers Ford Second XI v Hook and Newnham Basics Third XIMemorial Playing Fields, Compton DownResults
30 Jul 2016Flamingo v Liphook and Ripsley Second XIThe Holt, UphamResults
30 Jul 2016Hartley Wintney Second XI v East WoodhayThe Cricket Green, Hartley WintneyResults
30 Jul 2016Liss v OvertonThe Glebe, West LissResults
30 Jul 2016Michelmersh and Timsbury v Hursley Park Second XIMannyngham Way, TimsburyResults
30 Jul 2016Old Tauntonians and Romsey Third XI v Redlynch and HaleEast Tytherley Cricket Club Ground, East TytherleyResults
30 Jul 2016South Newton v Littleton and West HillVillage Hall Ground, South NewtonResults
30 Jul 2016Steep v Bishop's Waltham Second XIThe Harrow, SteepResults
30 Jul 2016Steeple Langford v South Wilts Third XILangford Recreation Ground, Steeple LangfordResults
06 Aug 2016Bishop's Waltham Second XI v Old Tauntonians and Romsey Third XIAlbany Road, Bishop's WalthamResults
06 Aug 2016Compton and Chandlers Ford Second XI v South NewtonMemorial Playing Fields, Compton DownResults
06 Aug 2016East Woodhay v LissMalverleys, East WoodhayResults
06 Aug 2016Hook and Newnham Basics Third XI v Steeple LangfordRotherwick Playing Field, RotherwickResults
06 Aug 2016Hursley Park Second XI v SteepThe Quarters, HursleyResults
06 Aug 2016Littleton and West Hill v Michelmersh and TimsburyLittleton Recreation Ground, LittletonResults
06 Aug 2016Overton v Liphook and Ripsley Second XIBerrydown, OvertonResults
06 Aug 2016Redlynch and Hale v FlamingoRedlynch Playing Field, RedlynchResults
06 Aug 2016South Wilts Third XI v Hartley Wintney Second XISalisbury and South Wilts Sports Club Number 2 Pitch, SalisburyResults
13 Aug 2016Flamingo v OvertonThe Holt, UphamResults
13 Aug 2016Hartley Wintney Second XI v Hook and Newnham Basics Third XIThe Cricket Green, Hartley WintneyResults
13 Aug 2016Liphook and Ripsley Second XI v East WoodhayRipsley Park, LiphookResults
13 Aug 2016Liss v South Wilts Third XIThe Glebe, West LissResults
13 Aug 2016Michelmersh and Timsbury v Compton and Chandlers Ford Second XIMannyngham Way, TimsburyResults
13 Aug 2016Old Tauntonians and Romsey Third XI v Hursley Park Second XIEast Tytherley Cricket Club Ground, East TytherleyResults
13 Aug 2016Redlynch and Hale v Bishop's Waltham Second XIRedlynch Playing Field, RedlynchResults
13 Aug 2016Steep v Littleton and West HillThe Harrow, SteepResults
13 Aug 2016Steeple Langford v South NewtonLangford Recreation Ground, Steeple LangfordResults
20 Aug 2016Bishop's Waltham Second XI v FlamingoAlbany Road, Bishop's WalthamResults
20 Aug 2016Compton and Chandlers Ford Second XI v SteepMemorial Playing Fields, Compton DownResults
20 Aug 2016East Woodhay v OvertonMalverleys, East WoodhayResults
20 Aug 2016Hook and Newnham Basics Third XI v LissRotherwick Playing Field, RotherwickResults
20 Aug 2016Hursley Park Second XI v Redlynch and HaleThe Quarters, HursleyResults
20 Aug 2016Littleton and West Hill v Old Tauntonians and Romsey Third XILittleton Recreation Ground, LittletonResults
20 Aug 2016South Newton v Hartley Wintney Second XIVillage Hall Ground, South NewtonResults
20 Aug 2016South Wilts Third XI v Liphook and Ripsley Second XISalisbury and South Wilts Sports Club Number 2 Pitch, SalisburyResults
20 Aug 2016Steeple Langford v Michelmersh and TimsburyLangford Recreation Ground, Steeple LangfordResults
27 Aug 2016Bishop's Waltham Second XI v Hursley Park Second XIAlbany Road, Bishop's WalthamResults
27 Aug 2016Flamingo v East WoodhayThe Holt, UphamResults
27 Aug 2016Hartley Wintney Second XI v Michelmersh and TimsburyThe Cricket Green, Hartley WintneyResults
27 Aug 2016Liphook and Ripsley Second XI v Hook and Newnham Basics Third XIRipsley Park, LiphookResults
27 Aug 2016Liss v South NewtonThe Glebe, West LissResults
27 Aug 2016Old Tauntonians and Romsey Third XI v Compton and Chandlers Ford Second XIEast Tytherley Cricket Club Ground, East TytherleyResults
27 Aug 2016Overton v South Wilts Third XIBerrydown, OvertonResults
27 Aug 2016Redlynch and Hale v Littleton and West HillRedlynch Playing Field, RedlynchResults
27 Aug 2016Steep v Steeple LangfordThe Harrow, SteepResults
